As of 29 June 2023, “WPG” EOOD is a discontinued company, as a result of a transformation carried out through the merger of “WPG” EOOD into “ENERGAYA” EOOD, whereby all the rights and obligations of “WPG” EOOD are transferred to its legal successor “ENERGAYA” EOOD. By virtue of a signed and notarized conversion agreement between the two companies, “WPG” EOOD gives its express consent, all procedures related to the investment proposal “Construction of a wind park for the production of electricity – Gabritsa and an overhead 110 kV power line, connecting the future 33/110kV substation “Bliznatsi” to the grid of ESO EAD”, initiated by “WPG” EOOD, to be continued by “Energaya” EOOD as the contracting authority and investor.